Inline Query Tool


Inline Query Tool

Sometimes there's just no way an ORM can do what you want it to do, and I completely recognize this. It's just not a good idea to try to use your ORM for everything - and it's why I always say "SubSonic isn't really an ORM - it's a query tool". Given that, we want to give you a back door, and in honor of Jeff Atwood we created the Inline Query tool. Go ahead - no one's looking... do your job and be proud of it.public void Inline_Simple() { QueryCommand cmd = new InlineQuery().GetCommand("SELECT productID from products"); Assert.IsTrue(cmd.CommandSql

"SELECT productID from products"); } public void Inline_WithCommands() { QueryCommand cmd = new InlineQuery() .GetCommand(@"SELECT productID from products WHERE productid=@productid", 1); Assert.IsTrue(cmd.Parameters[0].ParameterName == "@productid"); Assert.IsTrue((int)cmd.Parameters[0].ParameterValue

1); } public void Inline_AsCollection() { ProductCollection products = new InlineQuery() .ExecuteAsCollection( @"SELECT productID from products WHERE productid=@productid", 1); }