Linq Batch Query


Linq Batch Query


SubSonic's Batch Query executes multiple calls to the database at once, executing pass-through queries as transactions and SELECT statements as single command batches. What this means for SELECT statements is that you will get back an IDataReader with multiple result sets for you to iterate over.

Selects with a Batch Query

When you create your ", which accepts and IQueryable . You can use this to "queue up" a Batch query (this is from our Northwind unit tests):
var db=Northwind.DB.CreateDB(); var batch = new BatchQuery(db.DataProvider); _db.Queue(from p in _db.Products where p.ProductID

1 select p); _db.Queue(from p in _db.Products where p.ProductID==2 select p); _db.Queue(from p in _db.Products where p.ProductID

3 select p); int results = 0; using (var rdr = _db.ExecuteBatch()) { if (rdr.Read()) results++; if (rdr.NextResult()) if (rdr.Read()) results++; if (rdr.NextResult()) if (rdr.Read()) results++; } Assert.AreEqual(3, results); This will create the following SQL: SELECT [t0].[CategoryID], [t0].[Discontinued], [t0].[ProductID], [t0].[ProductName], [t0].[QuantityPerUnit], [t0].[ReorderLevel], [t0].[SomeGuid], [t0].[SupplierID], [t0].[UnitPrice], [t0].[UnitsInStock], [t0].[UnitsOnOrder] FROM [dbo].[Products] AS t0 WHERE ([t0].[ProductID] = @p1); SELECT [t0].[CategoryID], [t0].[Discontinued], [t0].[ProductID], [t0].[ProductName], [t0].[QuantityPerUnit], [t0].[ReorderLevel], [t0].[SomeGuid], [t0].[SupplierID], [t0].[UnitPrice], [t0].[UnitsInStock], [t0].[UnitsOnOrder] FROM [dbo].[Products] AS t0 WHERE ([t0].[ProductID] = @p2); SELECT [t0].[CategoryID], [t0].[Discontinued], [t0].[ProductID], [t0].[ProductName], [t0].[QuantityPerUnit], [t0].[ReorderLevel], [t0].[SomeGuid], [t0].[SupplierID], [t0].[UnitPrice], [t0].[UnitsInStock], [t0].[UnitsOnOrder] FROM [dbo].[Products] AS t0 WHERE ([t0].[ProductID] = @p3); You can combine this to work with our ToList() IDataReader extension thus:
db.Queue(from p in db.Products where p.CategoryID

5 select p); db.Queue(from p in db.Products where p.CategoryID == 7 select p); db.Queue(from p in db.Products where p.CategoryID == 9 select p); List result1 = null; List result2 = null; List result3 = null; using (IDataReader rdr = qry.ExecuteReader()) { result1 = rdr.ToList(); if (rdr.NextResult()) result2 = rdr.ToList(); if (rdr.NextResult()) result3 = rdr.ToList(); } ===Inserts, Updates, and Deletes

There is more on Batch Queries and Inserts/Updates/Deletes on each of these query pages: * * *